-sister myers
Sister Myers
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
dear family-
it looks like my last pday has arrived and i´m trying to think of a way that i can express my emotions...........it´s not going so well.
i can´t believe my time is almost up. it´s the weirdest, out of body feeling. i swear i just got here. but like always...just when it´s getting good...it´s time to head home.
we saw a member in the street today from sister castro´s ward in belém. he moved here with his wife about 6 years ago and hadn´t seen sister castro in a really long time. he told us that he served in Rio. he said that it really was the best time of his life. he said that the mission in the best because its the time that we stopping caring about what the world thinks and we start working to show God what we got. everyday we show him the parent we will be, the servant we will be and the life that we will live. by our work and our dedication we prove ourselves to God. that´s what we learn on the mission. that´s why everyone says it´s really the best 2 years. it´s the time we have to prove ourselves worthy of the blessings we really deserve, and that our Heavenly Father is ready to send.
i really do believe it all too. and i don´t believe it just because it sounds nice, but because i´m sure this life has a purpose. and i´m positive that our purpose is to follow the gospel, no matter what.
i can honestly look in the mirror now and see a better woman. i can see a clearer future and i have this determination to live my life right. to work hard and to continue to serve diligently.
i know that there are hard times ahead, mistakes that will be made and moments of doubts. but luckily i have this experience to always look back on and remember all of the times i have felt the spirit testify to me that Jesus Christ is my Savior. that He lives and that He is the redeember of the world. and not just that...but that He has a true church here on earth and that we can follow Him and never be lost. We can choose to be his witness and be blessed with the life that He wishes us to have.
we choose our consequences. the gospel helps us choose our happiness.
i love you all. thank you for the love and support during my time here in brazil. i have really been so happy here.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
one of the sisters in our ward has a pizzaria...sister castro had her birthday last week so we went to celebrate...mission life is sooo hard...
tanline blocking device..
my new comp...sister cozzens from virginia.
lunch with an investigator. her dad is a fisherman. he showed me his freezer full of fish, lobster and shrimp. of course i asked if i could hold some of the fish. he looked at me so weird. but he let me!
Monday, November 18, 2013
this week was...the best
we had ana´s baptism on wednesday...
i have good news and bad news about her baptism. she was baptized on wednesday. went to girl´s camp this weekend and ending up getting sick and wasn´t able to go to church to get confirmed on sunday.......bummer of the year. soo we are either going to have to confirm her next sunday...or elder souza said we might have to baptize her again...haha
blasted girl´s camp.
but like i always say...um dia tudo vai dar certo!!
but the good news is that one of our investigators went to girl´s camp too! her name is andrieli and she is like kim kardashian´s twin! (but she´s 16) she started coming to church because of english class and now we are teaching her and her family! they even invited us to a BBQ this weekend! andrieli went to girl´s camp and she said that there was a fireside when all the girl´s bore their testimonies. she also bore hers! she said that she knows that this is the true church and that everytime she goes she feels it stronger and stronger! she also said that she wants to mark her baptism as soon as possible...and we are happy to help with that!! :)
ALSO as a zone, we planned a white christmas! we are all working really hard to have 3 baptisms per companionship in december. we already marked the day, december 14th! we will have like a huge baptismal service for our investigators.. it´s gunna be awesome.
this week was FULL of work. we contacted 8 references!!! 8! i don´t know about other missions but that is like a full on record for us. well for me. and we found a lot of less active members that have wives or husbands that are not members yet and are willing to receive us!! :) it´s just tricky because no one is married legally...
i´m still meeting a lot of people that speak english! today we went to like a food court to eat lunch and a guy called out to me...do you speak english? i was like...yes. do you? haha and he told me that he spent a year in florida as an exchange student. he told me that he could tell i was american because of my face,,,i don´t know what that´s suppose to mean. and it was funny becuase i started speaking português to him and he was like...WHAT you know how to speak português?!! haha i was like uhh yeah! i live here!! i love brasilians. best people ever.
love you all.
more than you could know!
sister myers
Monday, November 11, 2013
so we had a cool pday today. we bought a few snacks and went to a fancy member´s neighborhood to play volleyball. well with four sister missionaries it was more like chase the ball after someone hits it into the road...but hey. it was still fun.
this week was the absolute best. on wednesday we were teaching english class and one of our investigators showed up and said she wanted to talk to me. she asked me when she could be baptized. i about punch her out of pure joy. her name is ana and she is 14 years old. she has been going to church and seminary for like 3 months but her mom wouldn´t let her get baptized. and then like out of no where her mom changed her mind and she will be baptized on wednesday!! :) wahoo! bummer that sister anacreto didn´t get the chance to be here for her baptism...but she´ll be so happy when i get the chance to tell her!
sister cozzens is the best. she is so funny. i die everyday in the street because of her. she is a huge blessing right now at the end of my mission. she is still learning the language and i am trying to help her, but when i try to explain words i can´t think of the words in english anymore and i end up getting frustrated. yesterday we were in sacrament meeting and she was like super agitated and i was like what´s wrong? and she like....i don´t understand anything...haha i laughed so hard because i remember being in that situation and thinking i will never learn this language and now it´s the most normal thing ever. the mission has been really good for me. i have learned so much.
i am determined to get home without a huge tanline on my chest so the other day i bought this half-turtleneck shirt thing. and i´ve been wearing it under all my shirts. i almost die of heat stroke everyday...but at least the tanline is fading. sister cozzens says it´s the ugliest thing she has ever seen. but i am not even worried about it. i also walk with an umbrella. it´s quite the sight to see.
well i love you!! i hope you can live without me for 5 more weeks!
:) beijos.
Monday, November 4, 2013
hey family...so the beginning of the end...again??
haha today i started my last transfer and it´s for real this time. i got a new comp. her name is sister cozzens and she is from virginia. she is super cool and has about 4 months on the mission. she is already speaking really well...i´m so amazed by how these people learn to speak português in 4 months...like what??
anyway. i´m glad that the trip to indiana went well. it´s really starting to warm up here. i am trying to walk with an umbrella to avoid the missionary tanlines...but the wind here is vicious and doesn´t cooperate very well.
we had an awesome week of work...we even had 4 investigators at church on sunday! it was a miracle! it was an awesome way to end the transfer with Sister Anacreto. she´s now serving in Bombinhas...a city nearby.
i am really adjusted to my life here in floripa...it´s the prettiest place you have ever laid eyes on.
best story of the week:
yesterday was fast and testimony meeting. our ward had a temple trip on friday and everyone was bearing their testimonies and the spirit was sooo strong...then one of the investigators that the other 2 sisters in our ward were teaching showed up...he is a strange little guy with 15 piercings in his face and always wears a black hoodie and a white face mask...anyway...he decided to bear his testimony. so he went up there and started telling some wild stories about how he got hit by a car and died and the nurses took him to the morg but then he resurrected and everyone started running away and he walked around the hospital without clothes.......................then he asked for everyone to find him at the end of the meeting and hug him because he was really needing it. i´m not kidding. i wish i were. needless to say our 4 investigators were loving it...not...but the best part about brasilians is that everyone really went up to him afterwards and hugged him.
well...until next week
love you
to the moon and back
-sister myers
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